ACT Middlesbrough
Beaufort Nine Ltd has worked with Middlesbrough Council to develop an integrated care management system that would offer a one-stop service, including a new Front Door Team, to complex residents in the borough. Working across Adult Social Care, Finance and Public Health teams, the scope included Housing, Homelessness, Welfare Rights, Substance Use and Domestic Abuse.
Initially commissioned to complete an independent review and propose an action plan, the Council then extended the contract to lead on the revised proposal and deliver the service. This involved a re-structure of the teams, the management of a successful re-branding exercise, and the recruitment of and full handover to a Lead Officer to bring the work into business-as-usual.
ACT (Accessing Change Together) | Middlesbrough Council

Community Living Magazine
Director, Suzanne Gale, has been a contributor for Community Living Magazine since 2018, initially as a regular diary columnist and more recently writing articles that discuss supported living within the adult sector and the impact of the potential changes for young people in transition following the publication of the new SEND guidance.
Community Living Magazine - CL-Initiatives - Subscribe Today

IESE - The Public Sector Transformation Partner
Suzanne Gale has worked with IESE since the development of the Care Funding Calculator (now CareCubed) in 2008, where she was the London regional lead and then the Project Manager for the national role out of the tool. Suzanne, and Beaufort Nine Ltd Associate Maria D’Souza, remain partners of IESE, having delivered critical friend input on a number of developments and currently working on a support package for Local Authorities negotiating packages as part of the SEND recommendations.
Social Care - IESE Local Government and Public Sector Consultants

Richmond and Wandsworth Councils
Beaufort Nine Ltd has had a long term relationship with Richmond and Wandsworth Councils.
The partnership has covered a number of work areas, initially leading on Value for Money reviews in Adult Social Care, Public Health and the 18-25 team. Beaufort Nine Ltd also supported the merge of the Councils’ Violence Against Women and Girls’ teams, working with the leads in each authority to develop a shared approach to the commissioning and delivery of services.
Due to the strong partnership and trust in delivery, Richmond and Wandsworth Councils called on Beaufort Nine Ltd to manage the social care element of Covid 19 funding, leading on applications for emergency funding and longer term planning to manage the sector as the care sector continued to face financial and staffing challenges.

Projects and Partnerships