Introduction to Tenancy Management and the Care Act in Supported Living
This one-day course gives professionals that are new to the Supported Living sector an introduction to the relevant parts of Housing Law and the Care Act. There are some key areas where supported living provision should differ significantly from residential care and general needs housing. There are additional factors to consider, such as the legal implications of tenancy management, capacity, and the complexities of managing a support service where the housing function is outside of the support contract held with the Local Authority commissioner.
Course Leaders:
Suzanne Gale –
Suzanne has worked in the supported living sector for 30 years. Her experience spans the sector, having worked as an agency lead for a social landlord, a commissioner for the Supporting People programme, in numerous local authority teams and as the national lead for the roll-out of the Care Funding Calculator (now CareCubed). She now works as a consultant, developing bespoke training as housing law and good practice develops, providing independent reviews and managing projects.
Maria D’Souza –
Maria is an experienced independent Social Worker. She has worked across the Adult Social Care sector, with a particular interest in the 18-25 group moving from Children’s to Adult provision. She has led on numerous supported living review project, including acting as the lead Social Worker in the development of new services and has a wealth of knowledge about the Care Act and good practice in the supported living sector.
At the end of the course, staff will be able to:
• Understand the key legal and regulatory frameworks in Supported Housing, including Housing Law, Mental Capacity, Ordinary Residence and the Care Act.
• Determine good practice in supported living, including Choice and Control, Multi-Disciplinary Teams (MDT), Supported Living specific support planning and outcomes
• Understand the difference between a licence agreement and a tenancy and which is appropriate in different settings
• Understand the legal responsibilities of a landlord in supported living placements, including delegated rights of management of tenancy and benefits
• Understand the relationship between landlords/managing agents
• Understand the role of the support provider in ensuring tenancy sustainment
• Understand rents and service charges
• Understand the difference between rent and service charges
• Ensure that housing related issues are considered within wider organisational policy
• Identify the split between tenancy agreement and support agreement
• Understand the importance of Liberty Safeguards in a supported housing setting